Who think there are secret, magical exercises to lose weight?
You might be surprised, but for quick weight loss exercises are neither secret nor magic. These are basic exercises for strength for each muscle group combined with aerobic exercise (mostly running, brisk walking on the treadmill).
If you want to lose weight then workout at the gym are required.
Training the muscles is the only way that can stimulate fat burning, so your body looks tight and sexy.
Do not worry, you will do as bodybuilders -big muscles - they do this with everyday workouts, doing exercises with weights that are at the limit of their possibilities, eat a special way, taking supplements, and only then their muscles get bigger.
If you train in the gym will become a super muscular, but you have created your muscles so that they look good. If you want to make big muscles, then you have to do special training.
Why I think the exercises in the gym are the most effective exercises for weight loss?
To lose weight, you must not only exercise, but you have to follow the diet (diet). I.e. to lose weight need to reduce food intake (calories). The shortage of calories to offset the burning of stored body in "calories". There are two sources of "stored calories" - muscles and fat.
If you do exercise, ie use your muscles, your body "thinks" that the muscles are necessary to sustain life and then it uses stored fat as an energy source.
The principle is very simple - for lack of energy, your body begins to use stored reserves, but since you do not want to have muscles you're going to use them and your body "think" they are necessary and begins to use fat for energy.
In other words, if only dieting without exercise, you do not lose weight effectively. The result is that you look weaker and more relaxed because you melted not only fat but also muscle.
Finally, if you want to lose weight fast diet should be combined with fitness training.
The second exercise for weight loss is Running
I practice it in a version of brisk walking on a treadmill. If you have a problem with his knees maybe walking (instead of running) on the path is appropriate for you. Of course, the option is running is better, but everyone chooses what is best for him.
Usually include path beginning at 2 mph, walking 30 seconds (1 minute) and feel that this speed is slow, increase speed by half a kilometer per hour. The more you accelerate, the longer it takes me time to get used to it. After 7-10 minutes a speed of six kilometers per hour. There is no recipe for how long to reach the desired speed, it is best to do it every time, depending on how you feel that day.
At this speed quickly on the go without a path to escape. Paths have handles, so as to keep running / walking. My advice is get an after sense of stability to let go and join hands and to obtain a more effective exercise for weight loss.
Fold your hands in elbows and fists Collapse hands move back and forth, the movement is brisk and fists are raised to eye level.
Walking the aisle is a great exercise because it involved the entire body, increases your heart rate, which is good exercise for your heart (if you have heart problems - do not do experiments, and consult the specialist how load is OK for you).
How to combine these 2 exercises to lose weight?
/ Just an example, might otherwise /
Monday, Wednesday and Friday going to the gym
Tuesday and Thursday 20-50 minutes makes a path
Weekends are fun if you plenty of movement