
What kind of Diet to pick: for health, weight loss or sports?
Certainly diet or the diet in various forms, has always been part of millions of lives. Some resort to them because of the effect of weight loss, combine them with other exercises to firm your body, while others use them to improve their health. In most cases, be an effective diet, you should stick to a regime that is not distorted. This can be difficult, especially for people who are not accustomed to hunger and easily tempted. It is good to know however, that some diets can have negative effects on health, so before starting a diet should be carefully investigated its effects and how to apply. Diets are divided into several main categories:
Diets according to food to be taken:
Fruits and vegetables

This diet focuses on the use of vitamins. It can be done in various forms by combining different types of vitamins. Therefore they can be subdivided into three subcategories:

received only green vegetation;
composed of vegetable and animal products rich in protein;
with the inclusion of vegetables and fish.
These diets are used to purify the body, leading to improving your health and weight loss.
Diet, combining confectionery with vitamins
This type of diet aims to reduce cravings for carbohydrates, for a person to get rid of addiction to harmful eating sweet things like candy for example. Use foods that contain a carbohydrate such as are necessary for the body, but did not lead to addiction. We all know that overuse of such products will make you gain weight. Good foods include all fruits, and created a special candy that contain low amounts of glucose. Often this diet is given to diabetics and people who have problems with cardiovascular activity.
Vegetarian Diet
To eat meat or not eat meat ... This is a question in the minds of many people and has a significant interest in the consumption of a vegetarian diet. The key to the success of this diet is to understand how losing nutrients from food, not eat, and learn how to balance your food without them.
What types of vegetarian diets exist:Type of vegetarian diet foods that can eat that can not consumedStrict vegetarian food only on meat plantFishMilkEggsCheeseHoneyLacto - vegetarian food plant-basedMilkDairy productsMeatFishEggsLaktoovo - vegetarian food plant-basedMilkDairy productsEggsMeatFishSemi - vegetarian food plant-basedMilkDairy productsEggsMeatAnimal food fish consumed in small quantities or less

Omega-3 fatty acids
Fats in fish provide essential omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It has been shown that fatty acids Omega-3 inhibit the development of atherosclerosis and reduce triglyceride levels.
Studies show that algae can serve as a source of omega-3 for vegetarians. Microalgae are rich in DHA, like oily fish, and provide adequate amounts of EPA. It is in this diet to include flaxseed oil and olive oil.

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is found mostly in animal foods. Studies show that some plants contain B12 analogues that are structurally similar to B12, but have the same function.
Vitamin B12 is found in seafood, dairy products, eggs and meat. There are many foods that are fortified with vitamin B12, so it is possible that your diet contains enough of these nutrients.
The most famous source of calcium are dairy foods that are often missing or are severely limited in food for vegetarians and are completely lost in vegetarian diets. Foods rich in calcium, which are suitable for vegetarians are tofu, yogurt, some roots, legumes and soy milk.
There are factors that affect how much calcium is actually absorbed by the food you eat. The presence of vitamin D, and the presence of oxalic acid and phytic acid enhances the absorption of calcium. Foods rich in oxalic acid are spinach, rhubarb, sweet potatoes and beans. Foods rich in phytic acid is unleavened bread, nuts, seeds and raw grains.
Calcium is an important food ingredients that improve your health and should not be ignored. It also has a favorable effect on the skin, nails and hair.Diets according to their
Detoxifying diet
Detoxifying diet is a healthy approach to eating - low-calorie foods rich in fiber. It aims to eliminate toxins from the system. Toxins are poisonous substances that are specific products of metabolic activity.
Detoxification diets are designed in the release of toxins, not to weaken. In the hungry days, if you combine this healthy diet with a variety of drills and exercises so that you burn calories, it is possible to remove unnecessary part of the kilos, but these results will be only temporary until you return to old habits.
Sources of toxins are: chlorinated water, additives, alcohol, cigarettes, pesticides, genetically manipulated foods, processed and irradiated foods, cosmetics, perfumes, deodorants, etc..
In addition to clear toxins from the body, detoxifying diet will strengthen the organs involved in elimination of toxins: skin, intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys and lymphatic system.
There are several options detoxifying diet, usually including one or two days of liquid diet. For the next four to five days is recommended for foods such as brown rice, fruit and steamed vegetables. Some vegetables can be taken in raw form. After a week or at most ten days again begin phasing of all other foods.
Allowed foods: any fruit - such as fresh apricots, strawberries, kiwi, lemons, papayas, peaches, mangoes, grapes and melons, plenty of vegetables such as beets, carrots, peppers, cabbage leaves, cauliflower, cucumber, pumpkin, bean sprouts and broccoli.
Eat moderate (one or two servings per day), drink plenty of water (you can also try herbal teas). Consumption of nuts is also recommended.

The main goal of this diet is weight loss. Diet for weight loss should be designed to take into account the individual needs of the body of healthy foods. At the same time the role of exercise should not be overlooked. It would be better to visit the gym 2 and 3 times a week. Large gyms offer a variety of fitness training each body part according to your preferences.
There is no such thing as "best diet" or "miracle diet" universal diet that works for everyone. Diets should be adjusted according to individual needs.
People who have problems with their weight should start with an analysis of their condition. Only then should a decision to reduce weight. To set realistic goals, people should be aware of some facts about weight loss and diet for weight loss.

Losing and maintaining weight within normal limits is essential for healthy living.

Learn to analyze the parameters of your body. Try to keep it under control.

Do not neglect your health in the process of losing weight.

It is important to prepare mentally for healthy weight loss.

Always combine your diet with regular exercise, which will not only help you lose weight. This will increase your mental harmony, it is crucial to maintain a strong will to achieve its objectives.
The best diet is one that you can follow, one that is adapted to your personal needs. Studies of weight loss nutritionists suggest that it is an effective diet, calorie intake must be less than your body can burn.
Special diets
The diet you choose will depend on your age, your gender and your physiological condition. Not only the amount of calories, but intake of nutrients should be personalized. Therefore, particular attention should be given the following diets:

For children
Healthy eating habits in children should be planted first day, they begin to eat a variety of foods. The taste can be educated. By personal example and perseverance children can be taught to enjoy healthy foods.
During the growth children need lots of vitamins and minerals - especially calcium. During the first years a large amount of energy they get from carbohydrates. Make sure your children eat a variety of foods.
Daily exercise and training will improve appetite and general condition of your children.
For Teens
As the child grows into adolescence, some nutritional habits are more difficult to control. Young people communicate more and are connected by the same taste in clothing, same interests and preferences and even the same eating habits. The diet of teenagers increasingly include harmful foods. Therefore, proper education in this direction is essential, so that healthy eating can become a trend.
It is important to increase intake of vitamins, especially vitamins A and D, and minerals, fruits and vegetables, and calcium intake. Almost half of bone mass is formed mainly during adolescence. A varied diet ensures an integrated intake of nutrients.
Exercise and visits to the gym helps a lot and definitely have a good effect on the health of teens than watching TV.

For elderly
As you age your body is constantly changing. It needs an appropriate change of diet. The loss of muscle and reduced physical activity mean that the body needs fewer calories. Reducing calories does not have the effect of reducing the intake of essential nutrients. Supplementary vitamins, minerals and calcium are needed because the general state of fatigue. In old age the risk of disease increases. This is especially true for osteoporosis, coronary disease and diabetes. The body needs a boost.
When older people need to increase calories, especially in women with a sedentary lifestyle. The required amount of calories also varies depending on the weight and intensity of metabolism.
Three-dimensional structure of proteinase athletes and athletes
High-protein diet is very popular because of various purposes, which may be used. The idea is simple, no matter what your goals are, everyone can benefit from taking high-protein food. The aim is to increase muscle weight gain or removal of fat.
This diet is effective:
- To build muscle t
Your body needs protein and lots of it. They are the building blocks of muscles, so that the intake of high protein foods is extremely important for anyone who wants to increase muscle and increase your weight. If you are not getting enough protein each day, muscle mass will increase. During training, weightlifting and strength training muscles develop. In order for your muscles to recover, your body needs a strong protein food.

- For fat loss
People say they want to "lose weight", but what you really want to do is to remove excess fat ... Not muscle. High-protein diet is the most important factor that ensures that maintain muscle while losing fat. People who try to lose weight and lose fat, you should also know that most high protein foods are very low in calories, carbohydrates and fats. Plus protein foods are the most satiating that exist. Therefore, compliance with the high protein diet full of high protein foods, leading to the adoption of healthy, filling and low calorie foods.
Tips for healthy and effective diet

Analyze your diet in terms of your lifestyle, your eating habits, whether you eat only when hungry and that there are some emotional reasons.
Find interests that go beyond your eating habits: do not eat out of boredom.
Personal reasons are good motivation.
Find someone to support you. Share your experiences, your progress, your problems with someone who is also trying to lose weight.
Eat a varied, nutrient-rich food (the body needs about 40 different foods). Make sure you eat enough whole grains, fruits and vegetables. If you have a limited diet, may develop nutritional deficiencies.
Eat moderate portions and maintain a regular exercise regimen.
The selection of foods should be balanced. One should always try to combine foods so as to offset one another.
Diet and exercise - exercises to accompany each diet to burn calories, otherwise the effect will be only temporary and will quickly gain weight again.
Diet and nutrition - a diet change should be made slowly and smoothly to provide essential nutrients.