How to Burn Calories and Lose Weight
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How to Burn Calories |
We decided to compile a list of ten simple ways to burn 100 extra calories a day, which we call your attention.
Follow our advice - and soon to become slim, like birch.
Of course, if you do not forget to regularly go and see the gym.
How to Burn Calories- Ten Tips to Lose Weight
- Play with children in the open air.
And they delight - and you benefit and enjoyment. Plus 100 calories burned in 17 minutes. It is true that children are unlikely to be enough half an hour, and they are likely to persuade you to spend an hour with them yet!
- Resist the temptation to order food in a cafe or a pizza on the phone and spend half an hour to cook a delicious low-calorie lunch.
- In the morning 20 minutes walking a dog (borrow a neighbor's, if you have a cat).
- Let yourself be a romantic mood. Only half an hour of slow dancing with your husband or boyfriend - and you not only get close to your partner, but also burn notorious 100 calories.
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