Weight Loss Recipes

Weight Loss Recipes-Diet High in Protein

This diet is designed for men who want to reduce the circumference of the so-called "beer belly", but not actively engaged in sports. Another plus is the diet that most men can not give up cooking, and this and do not need.
The diet should be followed at least 10 days to a visible reduction in volume and hence centimeters.

Day One
2-3 boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes, 300 grams yogurt, tea (preferably green) or coffee without sugar.

150 g boiled beef with mushrooms and green peas, vegetable salad with a little vegetable oil, a large grapefruit. Drink only mineral water.

One serving of pea soup, 1-2 small baked potato, salad of fresh vegetables, green tea without sugar.

Day Two
300 g boiled beef with 1-2 tablespoons of boiled rice, carrot salad. Coffee or tea without sugar.

Chicken stew with prunes, eggplant salad with grated walnuts, a cup of yogurt and mineral water.

Portion of chicken liver, small boiled potatoes, salad vegetables, mineral water.

Note that not eating bread, alcohol, carbonated drinks. Do not make intermediate meals. Are allowed 30 grams of nuts a day for one or two equal taking between meals.
For 10 days the two menus are rotated. Beef can be replaced with fish. Do not use ground meat in any form.
Drink enough water - about 2 liters per day.